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The Copts and the Egyptian Revolution: My Speech at Saint Egidio Meeting Munich 2011

The Copts and the Egyptian Revolution My Speech at Saint Egidio Meeting Munich 2011 Panel 5 - 12 Sept. 2011 Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m much honored to be here with you today. I came from Egypt as a Copt to say how we feel as Copts and as a minority towards our great Egyptian revolution that stunted the world. First let me say something about my experience with the religious and cultural diversity, I'm a Coptic Orthodox, I was of a protestant mother and an orthodox father, and now I'm a lecturer at the Anglican school of Theology. So I know exactly what it means to live in culture of diversity and I know how and what it means to accept and co-exist with different ideas. I'm also a Freelance journalist. Now back to the revolution. I can assure you that every single Egyptian despite of his/her religion is very happy that the revolution occurred, it should have happened long time ago. Starting from 1923 Egypt was a liberal country until the military coup of July 1953 which en...

Thoughts on the Egyptian Revolution

Thoughts on the Egyptian Revolution In fact, I wrote these thoughts during the first phase of the revolution, and they were published as an article in: Limes: Rivista Italiana Di Geopolitica, Volume 21299, 1/2011, the famous Italian journal put this title: " Iskindiriyya Kaman W Kaman: Alessandria, La Rivoluzione E Il Desiderio Di Risorgere " I wrote this article before the stepping down of Mubarak, I guess all what I predicted in the article is happening, few days ago I rewrote the article. It's the same but with very few changes. Egypt is now in chaos . (Continue Below)

The Copts and Society: A quick look

The Copts and Society A quick look (This paper was written in 2008) Introduction: It has been 50 years since H. Richard Niebuhr wrote Christ and Culture – a classic text that has recently been issued by Harper [1] . In the book, Niebuhr basically addresses the question “How shall we, as Christians, live?” Niebuhr describes five different relationships between Christ and Culture (Christ against Culture, Christ of Culture, Christ above Culture, Christ and Culture in Paradox, and Christ the Transformer of Culture). This question of how Christians shall live in relation to culture is as relevant today as when the book was originally published. In fact, the question may be even more important for us living in Egypt . Now, what we are looking for is to identify which one of Niebuhr’s five relationships applies the Christian Copts in Egypt and why. The observers of the Coptic issue and Human Rights organizations states that the Copts withdrew centuries ago from cultural, community and poli...

مظاهرات أقباط ماسبيرو ... رؤية

مظاهرات أقباط ماسبيرو ... رؤية لازالت مظاهرات ماسبيرو قائمة، ولازال الذين يديرون المنصة والمظاهرات يفتقدون للرؤية الصحيحة (حسبما أرى انا)، كان يمكن لهذه المنصة ان تتحول لأمر مغاير ورائع تمامًا. كان على منصة ماسبيرو أن تهتم بشقين، بدلاً من إختذال الأمر في مطالب قصيرة المدى وشخصية. الشق الأول هو شق حقوقي، و الشق الثاني هو شق معرفي. الشق الحقوقي : هو ان تخرج ماسبيرو من المطالب القبطية إلى مطالب المدنية كالتالي: 1.       أن تنادي بالمساواة بين كل الأقليات: المسيحيين، البهائيين، اليهود، الشيعة، اللادينيين... إلخ (تابع بالأسفل)